Friday, September 14, 2012


Just a little image stolen from the Beehive Collective blog to express the amazing joy of being part of Supercrawl 2012. Thank you White Elephant! And thank you Hamilton!


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

City of Craft Spring.

new corals for the toronto hyperbolic crochet coral reef.

Hey look, some new corals for the reef. Becky made them.

But where can you see these and and the rest of the reef next, you ask? Why at City of Craft Spring! We will be setting up a one-day table top display in the midst of all the crafty goodness. Come check it out!

City of Craft Spring
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Trinity St. Paul's United Church
427 Bloor Street West
(one block West of Spadina)
Toronto, ON

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


hyperbolic craft night (18)b

In the wake of this current reef outing, we have been getting some submission inquiries. That is beyond amazing! And guess what - we have devised a wee list of guidelines and tidbits to help you help us cover this city in fuzzy coral growth. Read up (or just click the 'submissions' tab above). Thanks, fellow seafarers!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Further Attractions.

reef at roadside

Hey! Look at this great picture Roy took of the whole Roadside Attractions window filled with reef. Oooooh. Aaaaaah.

As pretty as this picture looks, you can only see the jellyfish spinning and the plankton swaying if you go down there in real life.

911 Davenport
until March 30, 2012Link

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Roadside Reef.

Linkroadside reef (8)b

It's alive! After a couple years of hibernation in a suitcase (and some major growth) the Toronto Hyperbolic Crochet Coral Reef is back on display at the glorious Roadside Attractions window gallery on Davenport.

More pictures are forthcoming - we need to see what this thing looks like all lit up at night!

Until then, enjoy these teasers and get your buns out to Davenport and Christie. This baby is up 24/7 for a month!

Roadside Attractions
911 Davenport
Toronto, ON
February 25 - March 30, 2012

roadside reef (7)b

We'd like to also give a big shout out to Roy and Kate for booking the reef, maintaining this space for art in the city and giving us tea and coffee. We hope your kettle survives.